Media Portfolio |メディア制作実績
The first, Monthly SOTOKOTO, launched in 1999 as a pioneering environmental lifestyle publication. Over eight years in the editorial department, followed by two years as a freelance contributor, I focused on international “social good” stories, while also producing extensive content within Japan.
The second, SIGNED, published by the Hong Kong Design Institute, allowed me to explore the world of contemporary design as a freelance writer and editor. I developed themed special features that highlighted the innovation and diversity of modern design practices.
The examples below represent just a small selection of the content I’ve created during my time in media. For a more comprehensive look at my work, please visit the archive.
1つ目は、1999年に創刊された環境ライフスタイル誌 『月刊ソトコト』 です。編集部での8年間の勤務と、その後の2年間のフリーランス活動を通じて、主に国際的な「社会貢献」に関する記事を担当しました。また、日本国内の記事作成にも幅広く携わりました。
2つ目は、香港デザイン学院が発行する 『SIGNED』 です。フリーランスのライター兼編集者として、現代デザインの多様な側面をテーマにした特集記事を企画・制作しました。
Notable Original Content In Japanese
Tsunami Volunteers
Extended Report on the Tsunami Aftermath and Japan’s response.
*Writer, Photography & Editorial Production.
Sea Shepard
Paul Watson interview & full-length coverage, Infographics and profile pages
*Writer, Photography & Editorial Production.
Burning Man
This 2012 article was the first extended introduction of Burning Man in Japanese media.
*Writer & Editorial Production.
Plastic Pacific
Japan’s first extended article in Japanese print media on the Plastic Gyre in the Pacific Ocean.
*Writer & Editorial Production
Eco-Utopia Vision
Using existing technology already in use, this article creates a vision for a Green Energy society.
*Writer & Editorial Production
Plastic Whale
From plastic trash in city canals to recycled boats, Amsterdam’s growing Circular Economy.
*Writer & Photography
Notable Original Content In English
Whole Love Kyoto
Young designers in Kyoto work with local aritsans to remake traditional goods for modern markets.
*Writer & Editorial Production.
Street Debater
Tackling the homeless problem using conversations to build understanding.
*Writer & Editorial Production.
Community Design
Community Designer Ryo Yamazaki discusses reviving marginal communities in Japan.
*Writer & Editorial Production
NFT & Metaverse
A multi-article overview of NFT, the Metaverse, and its prospects and possibilities for designers..
*Writer & Editorial Production
Food Imagination
Food Designer Marie Vogelsang argues food is in need of better design to solve global problems.
*Writer & Editorial Production
Ability Hand
Bionic prosthetics are transforming lives. Psyonic is one company pushing the technological limits.
*Writer & Photography
Notable Editorial Production Work in Japanese
Eco-Fish Guide
Multi-article guide to ecologically sustainable relationship between the marine life and humans.
*Infographics & Editorial Production.
Gift of Life
NPO Heifer is dedicated to reducing international poverty by gifting animals to families in need.
*Editorial Production.
Alejandro D’Acosta is redefining the possibilities for sustainable building in Mexico.
*Editorial Production
Chernobyl +25 Years
Visiting Belarus to understand nuclear disasters and the implications for Fukushima & Japan.
*Writer & Editorial Production
Treehouse Life
This article gives an insight into life in Finca Bellavista, a treehouse community in Costa Rica
*Editorial Production
Revive & Thrive
Portland social business McMenamins turns abandoned buildings into entertainment venues.
*Editorial Production
Monthly Serials in SOTOKOTO
African Business News
Positive news on Africa’s dynamic and diverse business environment reached 50 monthly issues.
*Writer & Editorial Production.
My initial reports on tsunami volunteers became a monthly page lasting 8 years.
*Some Writing & Editorial Production
Neighbour's Day
SOTOKOTO’s community building CSR activity Rinjin Matsuri’s regular page highlighting events.
*Editorial Production
Infographics Sample
Green Energy
Infographic for a feature on Japan’s under-utilized sustainable energy options, and future options.
*Concept Design & Editorial Production.
German Art Funding
Infographic for a feature on the Arts industry in Germany and subsidizing art activities.
*Concept Design & Editorial Production.
Burning Man
Infographic overview of the growth and nature of the annual art and alternative lifestyle event .
*Concept Design & Editorial Production
Web-Based Content
Responsible Tourism
A series of three articles on Responsible Tourism in Okinawa. Client NATIV, commissioned by Okinawa Prefecture in 2021 and 2022.
Sabani Boating
One of a series of articles on tourist destinations in Okinawa. Client NATIV, commissioned by Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau in 2019 and 2020.
Setouchi Soumen
One of the initial articles for Setouchi Reflection Trip website. Client NATIV, commissioned by Setouchi Destination Marketing in 2017 and 2018.
*Writer & Editorial Production